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Install UniOffice@Etersoft
For installation UniOffice @Etersoft it is necessary скачать and to establish msi a package, the version necessary to you.
Before install UniOffice@Etersoft v0.3, you must uninstall other versions of UniOffice@Etersoft
Get log file
If you want to get log file of UniOffice@Etersoft, you must create file `unioffice.log` in
%SystemDir% (Например `C:\Windows\System32`) directory. After that UniOffice@Etersoft will write debug informtion in that file.
At each start UniOffice@Etersoft the file will be rewritten.
Send letter to support
At occurrence of problems at use UniOffice@Etersoft, it is necessary to write the letter on support@etersoft.ru, with subject - ` UniOffice `.
To send:
- The description of the arisen problem
- The name and the version of the program in which there were problems
- Log file of UniOffice@Etersoft