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What is RX@Etersoft

RX@Etersoft is a suite of components for application server. Linux and Windows applications can be executed there while users work with the image at the workstations.

RX@Etersoft is a system based on NX protocol. It enables running remote sessions X11 even through network channels with low capacity. Different operating systems supported by RX@Etersoft client can be used to connect the server: Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows.

New version

is a desktop virtualization and application server component suite. It allows the seamless integration of GNU/Linux and Windows applications on a Linux host system. Based on NX technology, it is especially optimized for printing support and file resource sharing through low-bandwidth connections.

Advantages of RX@Etersoft in comparison with common Linux server connection

  • Simplicity of administration
  • Acceleration of applications which actively use network data transfer
  • Safe remote Internet connection
  • Connection with office equipment (printers, scanners, etc)
  • Ability to connect from Linux and Windows as well
  • Effective compression of the X traffic
  • Mechanism of caching for the repeated use of data transmitted between server and client
  • Acceleration of X calls
  • «Lazy» coding algorithm for delayed screen update

Differences of RX@Etersoft as compared with FreeNX

  • Fixed bugs: use of remote printers, network file resources and keyboard layout
  • Possibility of working in the BOOTSTRAP mode running window manager by Xsession
  • Changing of the default settings to reduce the time of decompression
  • WINE@Etersoft compatibility
  • Location of the files according to FHS

Packages for multiple Linux distributions and for Windows are available.